Happy 2013

Another New Year is here.  Although January 1st, 2013 is just 24 hours past December 31st, 2012, somehow turning that calendar page represents much more.  A new beginning, a fresh start , a time to evaluate.  I was challenged in a Bible Study I attend at the beginning of this new year to both look back and to look forward.  What were the highlights of 2012?  What do you have to be thankful for?  Can you practice being thankful in all things?  How did you see God working in your life?

Then look ahead to the new year; what are your heart’s desires?  In what areas would you like to see change or a different focus.  Perhaps there’s a character quality you’d like to turn into habit- speaking positively about others, not complaining, cultivating thankfulness, listening more, or not reacting as much.  Some families I know pick a theme for the year such as pursuing peace.  And then there are the areas that are outside of our influence or control; these can be committed to prayer.  Whatever your focus, jotting a few notes down helps keep some accountability and gives a reference to look back on next year when the calendar tells us it’s 2014!
